1. Access your Doorway customization page: https://knockrentals.com/company/integration
  2. Choose your color scheme! You can choose a color for the Doorway button that shows in the bottom right of your website and the color of links, clickable elements, and chat.
  3. Select which properties to advertise! Choose 'All listings' or select a specific community you wish to integrate with.
  4. Enter your domain name(s)! Enter any domains you want to allow access to your scheduling and chat.
  5. Generate your snippet, and paste it into the '<head>' section of your website.
You can open the Doorway slideout from anywhere on your page, using the 'knockDoorway' object:
<button onclick="knockDoorway.openScheduling();">Open scheduling!</button>
<button onclick="knockDoorway.openMessaging();">Open messaging!</button>
You can also disable messaging, hide the Doorway button, or change your default manager for messages from the integration settings page.

That's it, you're done!

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